You have TWO options to get your ticket to 8-figure moves

1. Pay the full price of $5,555 Here

2. Or...  Complete the 4-step upgrade below and get your FREE ticket 
(For a Limited Time) 

Complete The 4 Steps Below To Get Your All-Access Ticket to 8-Figure Moves

Get a Front-Row Seat to our 8-Figure Plan for 2024 Starting February 3rd at 10am MST + Replay Access

Share your experience with Shoshanna Raven and Living Brave in ANY Program including but not limited to The Club, The Vortex and/or High Level Masterminds and Events in the form of a video testimonial and get access to 8-Figure Moves free of charge (Usually $5,555, free today with your video review).

Follow the instructions below to get your ticket. This opportunity is only available for a limited time so act now if you want this free upgrade.

With Your Completed 4-Step Testimonial You Get Access To 8-Figure Moves Live Experience On February 3rd, 2024 or The Replay if You're Visiting this page after Feb 3rd.

Note: You Must Complete At Least Step 1-3 Below to Secure Your Spot

How To Complete Your Free Upgrade
We are going all out to bring you the best program ever, showing you the plan we're using to go from 7 to 8 figures in 2024. 

 Take 10 minutes to complete all 4 steps of the upgrade process. Thank you for your support, it helps us grow the team, improve the product, and spread the Shame-Slayer movement. We appreciate you.
Step 1: Review and Subscribe to The Podcast 

Loving the podcast? Hit that 5 stars and let us know why. This helps us spread the shame-slaying movement and impact more lives 

Step 2: Tell us about your results, and request new trainings 
Click below to tell us about your experience and tell us what training you want next 
Step 3: Leave a video review following the instructions below
BONUS SHARE (Optional): Share Your Results On Social Media and Get Entered to Win (1 of 4) 15 minute 1-1 Coaching Sessions With Shoshanna and Christian

Be sure to tag Shoshanna ❤️


Fast Action Bonus: Complete Your Submission and Get Access To: 

🥳 Mystery Stage Talk – The "best of" talk that Christian gave to a room of 200 millionaires that will help you package your offer to make it irresistible

🥳 $100k/Month IG Ads – how we create hooks, scripts ads and retargeting to supercharge our organic sales with Instagram ads 

🥳 Surprise Trainings and bonuses that have the potential to unlock EIGHT FIGURES for YOU over time

That's It! If you completed at least the first 3 steps above you're on the list to get 8-figures moves for free!

Keep an eye on your inbox for your official invite closer to the date

If you need help, chat with The Team in the bottom right hand corner of this screen

Thank you for being a part of the Living Brave family! 

Whether you complete the upgrade or not, we just want to thank you for being a part of the Living Brave family. The entire team works hard day in and day out to constantly improve our product, provide the best support possible, and change the future of working, but we couldn't do any of it without you. You are the most important part of Living Brave, and we hope that we know we truly appreciate your presence in the community and your choice to be a part of Living Brave. Keep on rockin, and let us know if there is anything we can do to better serve you. 

- Shoshanna, Kass, Christian and the Living Brave Team